Sunday, July 24, 2011

MY SoCal LIFE...

by Erkuden Sakana, Company Secretary:
POSTCARD Hollywood

It's official. Last week's motion to summon the wayfaring Misanthropes back to Headquarters' choleric bosom has been debated and subsequently quashed today. The Away Team's odometer will keep turning, us-stymied by the opposition. As a matter of fact the travelling contingent is extending its stay in Los Angeles, and now it's the Toronto-based coalition that's being called to join their colleagues across the the boarder. There is a gig in the works.

This latter turn of the tide stems from a liquid brunch earlier in the week with one of the Company's Hollywood patrons. It seems Mr. B, the owner of Screaming Hell Hogs Eat Shit and Die, wants to parlay the Company's visit into a private screening party and wants the Misanthropes in attendance. All of them.

(He who owns the Company's 35mm motion picture masterpiece (photo by Pepper, Polaroid by T-Bone)

Now, it isn't easy to convince all of the Misanthropes to drop everything, all at once, and pack their bindles, paid expenses or not. Especially now, with the post-postal strike backlog only just cleared up. But the visionary Mr.B knows how to sweeten the pot. He's enticed the Company with an exciting new commission none of the members could vote against.

The details still need hammering out between Mr.B's lawyers and the Company's legal department, but all will be revealed soon.

* * * *

Number of illustration initiated: 34
Number completed: 19
Number inducted: 11
Carried over to next week: 2

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